Flea & bed Bug Control

Fleas and Bed Bugs are a common problem in homes and businesses throughout the UK.

We can safely and completely eradicate any infestation using a range of methods inclusing chemical residual sprays.

Flea infestations can be a challenging pest to battle on your own.

Control measures must be directed at the brood as well as the adult fleas. Insecticides can be used to treat infested premises and protect them from re-infestation.

A treatment to your home is often also needs to fully clear the problem. This combined approach can give the best chance of fully clearing the infestation.

How To Tell If You Have A Flea Infestation

There are a few signs that can indicated there is a flea problem in your property. Here are some things to watch out for;

Pets– Increases in scratching and grooming of your cats and dogs can indicate they have fleas. Using flea comb can pull out fleas from their fur, and also show up flea dirt, which is the flea droppings. If you suspect your flea may be sufferer from fleas, always seek veterinary advise if you are unsure.

Flea sightings – clients often report seeing fleas. While sat on a sofa or in bed, you might spot one appear on your skin and quickly jump off.

Flea traps– are useful for identifying and monitoring a flea problem. They work using a warm light source over a sticky pad. Fleas are attracted and become stuck, allowing for later identification.

Bite marks – although many factors can cause red itchy marks on the skin, the possibility of a flea bite should be considered. Bed bugs are also another possibility.

Bird Netting Installation

Bird netting is an effective bird control solution, working as a deterrent for many pest birds such as pigeons and gulls who may cause damage and destruction at your property.

When installed correctly, netting is one the most effective bird deterrents suitable for use even in areas with high levels of bird infestations. The netting material is very versatile and can be used on virtually any structure including roofs and large multi-storey spaces.

Our team is fully trained and qualified to install suitable bird proofing solutions and we only use humane bird netting that won’t cause harm to birds but will simply deter them.

Bird Spike Installation

Bird spikes are a control measure that involves installing rows of pointed spikes or pins on surfaces such as ledges, windowsills, and rooftops to deter pigeons and other birds from landing and roosting on them.

The spikes simply prevent the birds gaining a foothold, they do not hurt them, therefore they are only a barrier and you do not have to worry about causing harm to wildlife.

They are a perfect deterrent for larger birds, as well as being simple and easy to install and maintain. You will not need to put much effort into this form of deterrent – it can do all the work for you.

  • They can be installed on a wide range of surfaces and structures, making them a versatile bird control solution.
  • They blend in with the building’s color and texture, making them barely visible from a distance and preserving the aesthetic appeal of the building.
  • Made of durable materials such as stainless steel, bird spikes are long-lasting and low maintenance.
  • As they don’t harm birds, only  preventing them from landing and roosting on surfaces, they are a humane solution.

Solar Panel Proofing

The space beneath solar panels offers an ideal refuge for pigeons to roost and build nests, safe from predators and the elements.

Over time, their population can grow substantially, causing issues with guano (poop!) accumulation, posing health risks and potential property damage by blocking gutters.

To prevent this, we install  galvanised mesh fitted around the perimeter of the solar panels to prevent pigeon for getting underneath. The mesh is securely held in place with specialized attachments, eliminating the need for drilling holes or making alterations that could void your solar panel warranty.

Pigeon Foulings Removal

We also provide specialist bird dropping cleaning and pigeon waste removal services.

Bird droppings, also known as bird guano, are a common problem, particularly if you’ve had issues with pest bird species such as pigeons nesting close to your property.

Pigeon droppings can cause various problems from building damage to health issues if left alone as well as looking unsightly and causing inconvenience to any home or business.

Damaging effects of pigeon droppings:

  • Corrosion- pigeon guano is acidic and can cause damage to some materials and structures, especially in large quantities.
  • Contamination- particularly in larger industrial buildings where bird droppings can get into ventilation systems, machinery or even stock and supplies
  • Blocked guttering and drains- droppings and debris from nesting birds can cause further problems with drains and guttering
  • Health hazard- because of the possible spread of bacteria from droppings

Gallery of Work

A Dead Flea

A Dead Flea

Flea Infestation

Flea Infestation

Flea Infestation

Flea Infestation

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